
Outreach Inreach Testimonials

Our workshops are tailored to the interests and needs of each group and we are always excited to meet other sex workers and allies, so get in touch with Siobhán to start the conversation!

“The experience of being part of the SWO workshop was amazing and very touchy for me. I was able to see that even having different backgrounds and origins, as sex workers we share lots of experiences and thoughts, even before being involved in sex work. Lovely and very human experience.”
– Sabrina, Secretary of Aprosex (Spain)

Supported by


(for sex workers)

We offer theatre workshops to sex work groups to support artistic expression and skills development, and to encourage sharing and solidarity between sex workers. We aim to create spaces for sex workers to meer and explore creativity in both personal and political ways. Fun, fierce, and also free, the outcomes of the workshop vary depending on the interests of the group. In some cases a collective song might be written, in others we mights discuss planning a creative action, and at other times we might explore performance, using stories sent in from the global sex work community

Inreach creative action workshops for sex workers


(for allies)

We aim to develop relationships between SWO and political / community / interest groups that are mutually enriching; exploring the links between other campaigns and those of sex workers, and discussing how our communities intersect. We have worked with feminist groups, human rights organisations, sexual health organisations, charities, NGOs, LGBTQ+ and migrant community groups. The workshops usually cover an introduction to sex work politics, discussing labour rights, stigma, and legal models, as well as doing some myth busting and exploring the stories that made the opera itself. We are happy to tailor the workshops to the needs and interests of your group

Outreach workshops for women's, LGBTIAQ+ and migrant groups


"I am shy about performing and singing, but this workshop was a very empowering experience for me. The facilitators made me feel totally at ease, and it was really beautiful to see our thoughts and experiences put into a song which we then performed. It was a fun experience but also a deeply moving one which still resonates with me now."
– Participant, Sex Workers’ Festival of Resistance

“I could meet other sex workers and feel comfortable talking and sharing for the first time and the song was cool!”
– Participant, UK Tour 2017

“I don’t know any other sex workers so it was really great to come here and do things out of my comfort zone”
– Participant, UK Tour 2017

“Meeting you all has been very emotional and I hope to stay in touch with some of you and make some new friends who understand what I do”
– Participant, UK Tour 2017

“I was a bit scared of the games because I have never done theatre or acting before but it was fun and it was good to laugh. And try singing even if I sounded bad!”
– Participant, UK Tour 2017

"SWO gave us a workshop that was enlightening, dynamic and informative. We deconstructed myths and realities of sex work by listening to first hand experiences of sex workers themselves. It has enabled us to critically, assess our practices, views and attitudes towards preconceived ideas of sex work"
– Illary Valenzuela, Latin American Women's Rights Service

"SWO delivered a really well planned, accessible workshop for our group and did a great job of making it a comfortable and supportive environment for participants to learn, and to discuss some very difficult issues in a safe space. It was interactive, well paced, informative and the creative elements really made a big impression."
– Sex worker caucus member

“I have more positivity and knowledge to feed back in future debates and am clearer on how to be a better ally”
“Super interactive, well planned, and really personal and brave”

– Sisters Uncut participants

“It challenged a lot of my previously unquestioned assumptions. Really useful to talk through the various models and the stories were really powerful. Authentic voices make it so much more tangible”
– Amnesty International participant

“My views on sex work would take some shifting, but you’ve given me some questions to take away and ponder. You made it possible for different views /feelings to be heard. Glad I came.”
“Open, compassionate environment. I felt understood. Thank you, it’s been so great.”

– Women’s Hub Sheffield participants

“This workshop was a very special experience. Facilitation was done in both English and Spanish. It encouraged us to reframe how we approach sex work so that we can better support the women we help.”
– Yara Rodrigues, Latin American Women’s Aid

“All the icebreaking activities, small lectures/talks, and discussions were so well-facilitated and thoughtful. I really admired how you laid out the different narratives, positions, intersections, and attitudes within/around the sex work so that everyone could wrap their minds around it. Needless to say, we are all very grateful that this workshop took place.”
– SOAS Detainee Support participant

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Photo: Top Right, 'Hug' by Manu Valcarce
'Rosalind' violin/rose image by Vera Rodriguez
for other credits click here.
© Experimental Experience 2025 Photo of our cast hugging from the 2014 teaser performance at Bar Wotever at the Vauxhall Tavern