
Sex Worker Art

Being part of Sex Worker’s Opera we are always meeting so many incredible sex worker artists and activists from all over the world. We also recognise that we have a platform and would like to use it to promote other sex worker led art.

This is a space for all of us to be recognised amidst a sea of art and narratives constantly being created by non sex workers about sex workers. We are tired of this. It is so often damaging, dehumanising and (quite frankly) plain boring!

If you are tired of this too - then this is the place for you. Each month we will feature a different artist or project, showcasing photos, videos, installations, podcasts, dance, music, performance, poetry and more - all from the sex work gaze.

Nicole Henriksen

"I enjoy everything about being a sex worker artist! The sex work industry has taught me so much, and funded my art in a way almost no other job could. So being able to actually use my job to engage with people in conversations about feminism, rape culture, and body image is a special and unique thing." [continue reading...]

More sex worker artist interviews coming soon...

Coming soon... A list of sex worker artists locally and globally with a short description, photos, and links to their work

Coming soon... Regular articles by sex workers decontructing popular film, music and art which misrepresents sex workers and reinforces harmful stereotypes

Are you a current or former sex worker? Do you make art? Anything goes - performance, installations, poetry, multimedia, dance, writing, knitting…the list goes on!

Get in touch via the email below and we can discuss how you would like us to feature you. Maybe you would like an interview, maybe you would like us to promote your new show, project or podcast. We want to promote your art/your website/your projects - but if you want to submit something anonymously or use a fake name that is also welcome.

Click here to book tickets for our July 2018 run in Amsterdam!
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Photo: Top Right, 'Hug' by Manu Valcarce
'Rosalind' violin/rose image by Vera Rodriguez
for other credits click here.
© Experimental Experience 2025 Photo of our cast hugging from the 2014 teaser performance at Bar Wotever at the Vauxhall Tavern