(translated into English, original in spanish below)
One myth we reject is that Sex Workers are ‘home wreckers'. In Latin America we've become tired of this accusation.
It makes me remember a story. I had a client. A married guy, very elegant, well dressed, who always came to see me. We would have sex, he'd pay then he'd leave.
He came very often, maybe even once a week.
One time, we had sex and then he told me that he was leaving home because he had started seeing his wife's best friend. He'd chosen to stay with the best friend, it seemed she was younger than his wife.
When his time was up and he paid, I couldn't help telling him what he had done was wrong. Tell him that to leave his wife and his kids to go off with her best friend was despicable. That it said a lot about him that he could do that to a woman at his side. That one thing is to sleep with other women, but another thing is to go off with your wife's best friend, leaving her feeling alone and betrayed.
The guy never came back. But that didn't matter, I would find more clients. I preferred to tell him and not keep it to myself.
Un mito que desmentimos es que las trabajadoras sexuales somos
“arruina hogares”. En Latinoamérica nos hemos cansado de escuchar
esta afirmación.
Esto me recuerda una historia. Yo tenía un cliente. Un tipo casado, muy
elegante, bien vestido, siempre venía a verme. Teníamos sexo, pagaba y
se iba.
Venía muy seguido, quizás una vez por semana.
Una de las veces apareció, tuvimos sexo y luego me contó que se iba de
su casa, porque se había puesto de novio con la mejor amiga de su
mujer. Él había elegido quedarse con la amiga de la esposa, parece que
era más joven que ella.
Cuando terminó su turno y me pagó, yo no me quedé con las ganas de
decirle que eso que había hecho era de mala persona. Abandonar a su
mujer y sus hijos por irse con la mejor amiga de su mujer era
despreciable. Que hablaba muy mal de él que le haya hecho eso a la
mujer que lo acompañaba.
Que una cosa era estar con otras mujeres, pero otra cosa era hacerle eso
a su esposa de irse con su mejor amiga, que ella se iba a sentir sola y
El tipo no volvió más. Pero no importa, yo otros clientes iba a conseguir.
Prefería decirle eso y no guardármelo.