

Because Sex Work is a Crime

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There is one experience that I think about a lot. I think someone was being hurt by one of my clients. This was many years ago. I feel bad because if my relationship with the police was one where I did not fear them, and if I was not worried about the consequences of being a sex worker, I could have reported that bad client to the police.

I did not report him to the police because I feared the police, and because of this, that creepy man is still out there in the community. I know this is wrong but my fear of the police prevented me from going to them. This was so long ago I don't remember who he was or where he lives, so it is way too late now. The relationship between sex workers and police has to change so that incidents like this will be reported. Because sex work is a crime, it is not something that anyone is going to want to report. With the new laws that they are trying to put in place it is going to be even harder to report violence because clients will be more agitated and less likely to give personal information about themselves. Without knowing any of their personal information, it will make reporting incidents like this one even harder.

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Photo: Top Right, 'Hug' by Manu Valcarce
'Rosalind' violin/rose image by Vera Rodriguez
for other credits click here.
© Experimental Experience 2024 Photo of our cast hugging from the 2014 teaser performance at Bar Wotever at the Vauxhall Tavern